Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Second Trimester and counting!

Hello All!!
Wow, I am just awful about keeping this up to date! We have been going, going, and going! But whats new? We're always going! We have had a lot happen in life lately and a lot of changes have taken place. We will no longer be moving to FL. Its a long story, but to shorten it, our builder messed up. So we got out of the house and are now moving to, are you ready for this? Utah! My family is completely upset and just thought we would stay in OK/AR since FL was out, but we do not want to live in neither OK or AR at this time. Utah has some great options for Ryan and his schooling along with his family being there. We are excited for the move that will be taking place in the next couple weeks! WOW! All happening so fast! I have a wonderful OB/GYN there and Ryan and I both just love her and her staff. So far everything is going well with the pregnancy. The baby is doing wonderful and growing like a weed! I on the other hand do have to take it a bit on the easy side. I get sick very easy and if I don't take it easy I will be going on bed rest... Lately I have been having more and more pain. But God is good and is taking care of us! We believe we're having a boy. I was hoping for a girl, but I am almost sure we are having a little boy and we are so excited about it! It really doesn't matter to me what the sex of the baby is, as long as I just get our baby! My family has a thing they do when someone gets pregnant to see what the sex of the baby is. Since around week 9 I have been showing that I'm having a boy... It hasn't been wrong in the past yet! So we'll see here in a couple more weeks when I go back to the doctor if its right for us or not. I guess that is all for now, we will try to keep our blog updated, but it might be a little while with everything that is/will be going on. I am off to eat and take a nap!!!!! Bye for now! =)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ten tiny fingers & Ten tiny toes!!

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes!!! We are proud to announce that we are expecting!
We are not only surprised and shocked but over abundantly happy about life right now!
God is amazing! He has not only blessed us with a pregnancy that doctors said wouldn't happen but also we have found our home in Florida! Our home is due to be completed in 60 days from today! Woohoo! Not only has he blessed us with finding the house that will become our home but he is also giving us a child to help us fill our home with love! Life is so amazing right now. The family in AR. is having a hard time understanding what our reasons are for moving. To them I suppose (and have been told) it might seem selfish. But to us, we feel this is where we should be. Where God wants us to be and where we are happy at. Although it is hard to leave the family we do not regret our decisions to move even with our little bundle of joy on the way. At times it is hard to feel the happiness, joy, and love that we wish to be feeling from those we love right now. Though they might be sad, I wish they could show happiness for us. We are soooo Happy, sooo Blessed, soooo Excited!! All of the past has been worth it just to get this far. Though I wish we would have never of had to of gone through what we have it is all the more reason that it is such a blessing from God and a gift to us! If only everyone could see that, some things might not have been said. Tomorrow I have a Doctors appt to go and get my hormone levels checked to make sure all is still on the right track. We know God will take care of us! We will keep everyone up to date as much as we can as far as the pregnancy and the house!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big steps in the right direction!

Good Morning America!
It has already shown to be a promising day! One with many great and wonderful things to come!
Now to get everyone up to speed (Don't want anyone getting run over). As most of you know we had been working on a home near my parents. We are no longer doing this. It has shown to be WAY more than we are willing to go into. A lot has already been done on the home and we are living there right now, but there are just to many things that have to be done that in the end would could have a bigger and nicer home elsewhere. If it is where we had wanted to be the rest of our lives we would have made everything happen that needed to. But, seeing that it is not where we want to be once we have children, we are looking elsewhere. And we are beyond excited about this! Now take a deep breath, Okay let it out! Here it is. We are looking to move to Florida! Okay I know that is not what, well lets face it, not what most if any of you wanted to hear. But, Ryan and I have been over and over and over and OVER it again and again. We still want to be there even with the weather (Many have brought it to our attention), the hours we will have to drive/fly to see family and everything else. We have priced everything from homes, to insurance, to Ryans' health medications, to cost of living, to looking into schools for both Ryan and our children. We have made a trip to see if it is really want we even want. So here we are, making BIG STEPS in the right direction! And we are just so excited about it. Life is wonderful, we have been so blessed in our life, so very blessed. We have an amazing family! An amazing group of friends, and a wonderful church family. I don't know what more anyone could ask for. Well, I know one thing that Ryan and I ask for, but we have a feeling that God is going to grant us that gift very soon. For now we enjoy the couple lifestyle! Going to the Gym and working out, enjoying nights just watching movies, hanging out with friends and family, and never having to find a babysitter! I say that now, but Ryan and I truly can't wait until the time comes where we are having to find one!
Ryan is doing wonderful in school and I am just now being able to start back up on mine. I had to take a break due to some issues I have been having with my wrist. But, lately with working out it has been doing better. Ryan also just got offered a job today working at his school. He excepted it and will start once all the paper work is done. I'm married to a workin' man again, hehe. (Not that he needs to work, but it gives him something to do!) I can't stress the fact enough of how wonderful Ryan is doing. I knew someday he would be himself again, but I would have never thought he would have came so far in such a short amount of time. I'm no longer angry at those who did what they did to us in Colorado Springs, I am no longer upset with the "friend" who left us without anyone because they thought things that weren't true. I am happy, abundantly and utterly, Happy!! We have mended fences that were broken between people that we once again call friends, we have overcame things in life that most are not even strong enough to overcome. We have made it through issues and pain that could have easily broken us, but instead has only made us stronger and closer together. With God all things are possible.
Ryan and I have been going none stop (as always) and are making plans already for Christmas in Utah and Thanksgiving in Arkansas. It looks as though we are planning to be moving in May. If all goes as planned we will have our house and everything set up by then. Also, once this is done we are going to begin looking into Adopting again. We are not yet old enough, (or so we have been told.) to adopt yet. But when the time comes, even if we are able to with Gods help have a baby of our own we would like to adopt and have a child of our own that way too. Every child should have a loving home, we would like to be that for at least one, if not more.
So Please pray for us with the move, babies, school, and life all together! I hope this has caught everyone up to speed and didn't "run" anyone over! :-)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Being out of touch!

Sorry everyone! We have been going none stop! Ryan is doing wonderful in college. I am still working at mine. We have been working on our house as well as deciding if this is really where we want to live.. That has been tough and rough and everything like that! Ryan and I have many life changing things coming. We know it, so we are doing our best at being ready for them. Lately, though we have known it all along, it has come to light that just because it is what our family wants, it is not always what we want or what is even the best thing for us. So with that being said, there can only be change expected. Life is good, however, and so is God. Like I said Ryan is doing good in college, he seems to like it, although at times he hates it. But isn't life like that? I am still working at the health food store. I have a great boss who is a sweetheart and I am learning so much from working there. Even if most people don't believe or want to practice a healthy life, I know it has made a huge difference in my and Ryan's life! I don't know where Ryan and I would be if it wasn't for finding an alternative to the mads that the VA doctors had him on. But, that is behind us now and we have moved on to bigger and better things! Life is truly good! We are blessed to have those in our life that we do and are blessed in so many other ways by God. Like I said, we have been super busy, so I am sorry that I have not been on here much! I'm also sorry if you didn't get a Christmas card this year! I still have some siting here at home because it was such a crazy time that I didn't get to address them and get them out. (If you still want one, even though Christmas is long gone, Let us know!) It seems like this last year went by crazy fast once we moved back to Oklahoma and is still moving so fast! We now have a new Nephew!!! His name is Adonijah Le, and was born 1/9/10, he is just such a sweet boy! We love him bunches already! Anna is doing wonderful as a big sis. She loves he little brother and loves to just hold him! :) It is so sweet. So to get you up to date...
We went to Utah for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time there with the family! It was sad to have to leave, as it always it! But we really did have a wonderful time. We went Black Friday shopping and have decided to NEVER do that are there! We about froze our toes off! And it was just a frustrating situation. But we did get our two lap tops, with many thanks to Jim for getting Ryan's for Sam's Club since Best Buy was so crazy and filled with so many rude people.
We ended up going to Alabama for Christmas eve and had a wonderful week or so there!
We were in Arkansas for Christmas day and a few day after and then back out to Oklahoma for work! Wow we were busy! Never had time to breath! But, we lived! :)
Now we are just back to doing everyday life things. Making it from day to day and changing lives! (Or so I like to think, hehe) We are changing our life at least, :).
So with all of that being said, I need to run! I know it was a very short update for as long as I have been gone without updating everyone! But I have work and need to get some things done before getting dressed. :) I will update everyone soon!

Love you all!!