Monday, January 18, 2010

Being out of touch!

Sorry everyone! We have been going none stop! Ryan is doing wonderful in college. I am still working at mine. We have been working on our house as well as deciding if this is really where we want to live.. That has been tough and rough and everything like that! Ryan and I have many life changing things coming. We know it, so we are doing our best at being ready for them. Lately, though we have known it all along, it has come to light that just because it is what our family wants, it is not always what we want or what is even the best thing for us. So with that being said, there can only be change expected. Life is good, however, and so is God. Like I said Ryan is doing good in college, he seems to like it, although at times he hates it. But isn't life like that? I am still working at the health food store. I have a great boss who is a sweetheart and I am learning so much from working there. Even if most people don't believe or want to practice a healthy life, I know it has made a huge difference in my and Ryan's life! I don't know where Ryan and I would be if it wasn't for finding an alternative to the mads that the VA doctors had him on. But, that is behind us now and we have moved on to bigger and better things! Life is truly good! We are blessed to have those in our life that we do and are blessed in so many other ways by God. Like I said, we have been super busy, so I am sorry that I have not been on here much! I'm also sorry if you didn't get a Christmas card this year! I still have some siting here at home because it was such a crazy time that I didn't get to address them and get them out. (If you still want one, even though Christmas is long gone, Let us know!) It seems like this last year went by crazy fast once we moved back to Oklahoma and is still moving so fast! We now have a new Nephew!!! His name is Adonijah Le, and was born 1/9/10, he is just such a sweet boy! We love him bunches already! Anna is doing wonderful as a big sis. She loves he little brother and loves to just hold him! :) It is so sweet. So to get you up to date...
We went to Utah for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time there with the family! It was sad to have to leave, as it always it! But we really did have a wonderful time. We went Black Friday shopping and have decided to NEVER do that are there! We about froze our toes off! And it was just a frustrating situation. But we did get our two lap tops, with many thanks to Jim for getting Ryan's for Sam's Club since Best Buy was so crazy and filled with so many rude people.
We ended up going to Alabama for Christmas eve and had a wonderful week or so there!
We were in Arkansas for Christmas day and a few day after and then back out to Oklahoma for work! Wow we were busy! Never had time to breath! But, we lived! :)
Now we are just back to doing everyday life things. Making it from day to day and changing lives! (Or so I like to think, hehe) We are changing our life at least, :).
So with all of that being said, I need to run! I know it was a very short update for as long as I have been gone without updating everyone! But I have work and need to get some things done before getting dressed. :) I will update everyone soon!

Love you all!!