Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Second Trimester and counting!

Hello All!!
Wow, I am just awful about keeping this up to date! We have been going, going, and going! But whats new? We're always going! We have had a lot happen in life lately and a lot of changes have taken place. We will no longer be moving to FL. Its a long story, but to shorten it, our builder messed up. So we got out of the house and are now moving to, are you ready for this? Utah! My family is completely upset and just thought we would stay in OK/AR since FL was out, but we do not want to live in neither OK or AR at this time. Utah has some great options for Ryan and his schooling along with his family being there. We are excited for the move that will be taking place in the next couple weeks! WOW! All happening so fast! I have a wonderful OB/GYN there and Ryan and I both just love her and her staff. So far everything is going well with the pregnancy. The baby is doing wonderful and growing like a weed! I on the other hand do have to take it a bit on the easy side. I get sick very easy and if I don't take it easy I will be going on bed rest... Lately I have been having more and more pain. But God is good and is taking care of us! We believe we're having a boy. I was hoping for a girl, but I am almost sure we are having a little boy and we are so excited about it! It really doesn't matter to me what the sex of the baby is, as long as I just get our baby! My family has a thing they do when someone gets pregnant to see what the sex of the baby is. Since around week 9 I have been showing that I'm having a boy... It hasn't been wrong in the past yet! So we'll see here in a couple more weeks when I go back to the doctor if its right for us or not. I guess that is all for now, we will try to keep our blog updated, but it might be a little while with everything that is/will be going on. I am off to eat and take a nap!!!!! Bye for now! =)