Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ten tiny fingers & Ten tiny toes!!

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes!!! We are proud to announce that we are expecting!
We are not only surprised and shocked but over abundantly happy about life right now!
God is amazing! He has not only blessed us with a pregnancy that doctors said wouldn't happen but also we have found our home in Florida! Our home is due to be completed in 60 days from today! Woohoo! Not only has he blessed us with finding the house that will become our home but he is also giving us a child to help us fill our home with love! Life is so amazing right now. The family in AR. is having a hard time understanding what our reasons are for moving. To them I suppose (and have been told) it might seem selfish. But to us, we feel this is where we should be. Where God wants us to be and where we are happy at. Although it is hard to leave the family we do not regret our decisions to move even with our little bundle of joy on the way. At times it is hard to feel the happiness, joy, and love that we wish to be feeling from those we love right now. Though they might be sad, I wish they could show happiness for us. We are soooo Happy, sooo Blessed, soooo Excited!! All of the past has been worth it just to get this far. Though I wish we would have never of had to of gone through what we have it is all the more reason that it is such a blessing from God and a gift to us! If only everyone could see that, some things might not have been said. Tomorrow I have a Doctors appt to go and get my hormone levels checked to make sure all is still on the right track. We know God will take care of us! We will keep everyone up to date as much as we can as far as the pregnancy and the house!