Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So excited and yet so tired!

Well, today was a day full of great things! :) For one we got our electric in, or at least our breaker box is hot now! Woohoo! Second, today was my first day as DAVA Treasurer. I had my first meeting today at Armstrong bank with our Commander and Sr. Vice. Once I got back home I saw that the guys had gotten the breaker box in the house all ready to go and then shortly after that, it was inspected and the guy then called OG&E out to light it up! It was so great! We are so happy about that! My dad keeps saying "well now you have a electric bill.", and we know that, but this is a bill that we are so happy we have now-as odd as that may sound, lol. It is just a great feeling seeing things all come together! Tomorrow Granddad and I will drop the rest of the wire throughout the house while Ryan is at school. Fun fun! :)

On a different note; This evening I was talking to our DAVA Commander. I was so tired by then that anything could have made me cry. And, well, I did start crying when we were on the phone. I was trying to tell her that Ryan might miss a few meetings because he feels he should be putting all his spear time on the house with Granddad while he is here with us and he also feels somewhat left out at the meetings. We really only have til Nov. to get the house done and she didn't take that right. She and her family are also fixing their home and she took it all the wrong way.. She took it as something else and thought that I wanted to resign after just becoming Treasurer. So once we got off the phone I started crying... I know, I am just so emotional right now with all the stress and things going on. I don't really know why everything hit a nerve, but I have never wanted to run and hide more in my life then today after starting talking to her. Odd, I know.. She is a great woman and her family is wonderful. I look up to her for advice. Ryan just needs a break from having to do so much and she didn't understand that or take it the way I meant.. It's not that he does things at the meetings, because he is not active in them yet, but it's the fact of coming out when his mind is here on the house, fixing it up and putting new things in. Oh well, it is past us now! I just hope her and her husband don't take it wrong forever. She is always telling me I stress to much and I'm sure if she read this, she would tell me again! ;)
She is right, I do. But, I am getting better about that! :)

We are about to go to bed, or rather, I am in bed on the computer while Ryan is asleep beside me, hehe. So good night all!!

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